Saturday, November 2, 2013

Tongue Tied

Okay I know this is a random topic, but my friend just had a baby and she had his tongue tie clipped.

I just wanted to say something to anyone who's deciding whether to have their child's tongue tie clipped as a baby. When I was a baby, I had a tongue tie. It wasn't cut as an infant and I ended up not being able to say "r" "th" "s" and a few other sounds correctly. I got it clipped when I was 5 and it took until 7th grade (I turned 12 that year) to get over the habits I had formed by speaking with a tongue tie. I got teased about it a lot. All of seventh grade I went to maybe two speech therapy sessions because I was embarrassed for anybody to see me walk into the "special needs" hallway because some kids called me retarded a lot (I know, immature of me). I had no mental problems, just a speech issue. At 4, before my tongue tie was clipped, I apparently talked with the vocabulary of an eight year old but the enunciation of a 2 year old. I wish I had gotten the tongue tie clipped as an infant because it would have saved me a ton of teasing (especially in the one group home I was in at one point last time I was in foster care) and frustration (I was regularly misunderstood by teachers, no speaking parts in school programs, etc.). I'm now able to speak normally, but I wish it had never been a problem in the first place. I know the length of time it took for me to be able to speak normally probably also had to do with moving around a lot during the times I was in foster care (about 5 years old then 11 years old, and now but that didn't affect this). In conclusion, PLEASE, if your child has a tongue tie, get it clipped sooner rather than later (That is, if they are still young enough that you don't know if it will cause problems and there are no serious complications that are likely to occur for whatever reason in your case; if they are talking and eating without problems you can probably leave it alone unless the doctor says it should be taken care of and I don't know what would potentially cause serious complications but that should definitely be discussed with a doctor.).


Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and don't claim to be. Before listening to me, listen to a doctor.

Introduction and Why I'm Writing a Blog

Hi! I guess I'll introduce myself in case someone actually reads this blog. I'm not going to use my full name on here, but I'll go by K. I'm a 15 year old girl and will be 16 next month. I'm a junior in high school. I have a younger brother D who is 14 and two months and a younger sister L who is 13 and a half (she was adopted from my mom's best friend who died when my sister was 3, if you were wondering about the eight month age difference). I play volleyball and basketball, but I'm not very good. One time I got to go on a 7 day backpacking trip with my friend and her dad and it was the best experience of my whole life! My dream is to be able to do that again, but they moved away and I've never had another chance. I love musical theatre. I really wish I could actually be in shows, but I just recently became interested and since then I've been in too many schools to actually join any shows because I'm either leaving soon or getting there too late. Oh well. Listening and watching on YouTube are better than nothing I guess. :)

 I'm starting this blog for three reasons. First, I often want to say something about a topic because of a discussion I've had, an article I read, etc., but I can't find a place to say it. So I'm creating a place. You'll probably see a ton of random topics on here because of this, which is why this blog is "The Blog Without a Name." I don't have just one category it fits under. Second, and you don't have to read these posts if you don't want to, I need somewhere to say how I feel about stuff in my life (okay that sounds a bit dramatic, but I don't know how else to phrase it) that I can't/won't talk to my parents or friends about. My parents have enough issues of their own (not to mention that they probably wouldn't listen), and my friends would probably think I'm crazy. Also, I'm not at home right now. I won't really go into any detail about why, other than to say that I'm temporarily in foster care for the third time, but my parents are working on the plan they were given. I promise I won't make that a focus of the blog, beyond maybe a post or two and possibly a brief reference to this in other posts! So there will almost certainly be some depressed teenager posts, but I by no means actually think my life is terrible or worse than anybody else's. In fact, I'm perfectly aware that I am a lot more fortunate than most people, especially those in foster care who are there permanently unless they're adopted, or those who came from much worse homes than me. You can ignore these posts if you want. I'll do my best to make it so that it's obvious from the beginning that the post is one about something personal so you can choose to either keep reading or to ignore it. Finally, I enjoy writing and if I suddenly think of something good I might put it on here. MIGHT. I don't really like sharing my writing, even with people I know.

I guess that's all for now. I'll try to post regularly but it depends on how much homework I have as well as whether I have internet or not. Thanks to anyone who read this!